about us
​Experience, Connect, Grow, Go!
Experience – Grace is committed to providing an atmosphere where people can experience God. Because we believe it is vital for people to truly know Jesus, not just know about Him, a large portion of each service will be spent in worship, simply exalting God and inviting His presence to come and encounter hearts.
Connect – Strength comes when we are connected to God and to one another. Therefore, connection and accountabilty are highly encouraged here at Grace. There are various ways this may take place—small group settings, outreach events, serving together in a ministry, participating in discipleship classes, and many more. Developing relationships is extremely important, and we encourage all who attend to invest time into getting to know one another.
Grow – It is the desire of Grace to see believers grow and mature in their walks with Christ. Relevant preaching and teaching, or “Life Teachings,” is a tool by which we will impart an understanding of how to apply God’s Word and the truth of who we are in Christ. A freedom ministry, using tools such as Seven Steps to Freedom and Journey to Freedom Weekends, focuses on releasing people from their pasts and teaching them to walk in victory. We also offer various Wednesday night discipleship classes in order to equip the body for service.
Go – The heart of Grace is to share God’s love with a world in desperate need of Him. We desire to reach beyond the walls of our church— into our families, our work places, our schools, our communities, and even around the world. Ministries such as GraceWorks Food Pantry, By Grace Transitional Home, and Labor of Love Thrift Store are aimed at meeting the needs of people in our community, and various outreaches each year are all designed to share the love of God with those around us. Grace will also continue to release and support those called to serve God in places around the world and continue to reinforce the truth that each of us is called to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever He has placed us.
Grace is a church where people can come in and find healing and life. We are committed to providing a safe place for that to take place. We are also committed to seeing other places like Grace started. This means that we are a church that will grow and plant other churches. We are not interested in growing a huge church but are very interested in seeing other communities be reached with the love of Jesus. It is imperative that each member of the Body understands this part of our vision, because this will determine many of the things into which we invest our time and money.